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Пятница, 26.04.2024
Главная » 2008 » Июнь » 06

PETA написала группе благодарственное письмо. Причиной стало что KFC Canada (их РОСТИКС) добавила в меню вегаторианские блюда.

Following a five-year campaign by PETA as well as Rise Against fans everywhere, KFC Canada is promising improved welfare for the chickens it buys for its fast-food outlets in exchange for an end to a boycott campaign that will continue in the U.S. and elsewhere. KFC Canads also plans on introducing a vegan "chicken" item on it's menu, which will be many customers first introduction to a meat-free lifestyle.


PETA has asked us to thank RA fans directly, saying; "you guys and your fans have been an essential part of this effort with speaking out against KFC in videos, letting us do the petitions at shows, and so much more."

Remember, while the Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign is done in Canada, it’s still going stronger than ever everywhere else around the world and we need people to help ! Canada has set a precede ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 610 | Дата: 06.06.2008 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Комментарии (0)